
You Don’t Have to Install PUDL Anymore

We’re excited to announce that you no longer have to install the PUDL Python library to access electric generation data linked across FERC and EIA such as capacity factor, heat rate, and fuel cost. These, and many others, are now available directly in the PUDL database, which you can download from Zenodo here. You can find more details on how to access the data here.

We were able to complete this large infrastructural overhaul with the help of generous funding from the Sloan foundation.

Now that you can use any tools you want to analyze the data, here are some ideas:

  • Use the same type of Python code you have been using, but freed from our tangled web of dependencies!
  • Use another language you like better: R, Rust, Ruby, or even other languages that don’t start with R (Julia?)
  • Use Kaggle to check out our data without installing any programming environments at all!
  • Hook up a BI tool to quickly generate low/no-code dashboards and visualizations!

Since we’re moving away from downstream use of the library, we are also deprecating the PudlTabl class. It will still work, for now, but it’s now just a shell around accessing the database tables and will be removed in a future release.

One further change we made during all of this was to rename a bunch of tables to make them a little easier to find and understand. Tables now have standardized prefixes, the nuances of which are explained in the docs. The short version is:

  • When in doubt, start with tables with the out_* prefix. These have been cleaned and connected into wide tables with lots of metadata and are designed to be easy to use for downstream analysis.
  • When you need to dig deeper, look at the core_* tables. These are the cleaned up building blocks of the out_* tables. You may need to join several core_* tables to get the metadata you want.
  • The tables starting with an underscore are intermediate assets. They’re not stable, so please don’t rely on the data in them.

We hope these changes make it easier for a wider variety of users to use our data! Now that we’ve wrapped up this infrastructural work, we’ll shift our focus back to integrating new datasets like PHMSA and EIA 176.

If you want help getting started with our data, or have any datasets you’d like us to integrate, we’d love to talk: drop by our office hours and we’ll walk you through any questions you might have.


PUDL v0.5.0: 2020 and Beyond

It’s been almost a month since we pushed out our first actual quarterly software and data release: PUDL v0.5.0! The main impetus for this release was to get the final annual 2020 data integrated for the FERC and EIA datasets we process. We also pulled in the EIA 860 data for 2001-2003, which is only available as DBF files, rather than Excel spreadsheets. This means we’ve got coverage going back to 2001 for all of our data now! Twenty years! We don’t have 100% coverage of all of the data contained in those datasets yet, but we’re getting closer.

Beyond simply updating the data, we’ve also been making some significant changes to how our ETL pipeline works under the hood. This includes how we store metadata, how we generate the database schema, and what outputs we’re generating. The release notes contain more details on the code changes, so here I want to talk a little bit more about why, and where we are hopefully headed.

If you just want to download the new data release and start working with it, it’s up here on Zenodo. The same data for FERC 1 and EIA 860/923 can also be found in our Datasette instance at

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